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Module 1 Unit 1 Friendship

本文作者: 授课教师:北京景山学校 李莹
1.Objectives: At the end of the class, students will be able to (1)talk about what kind of friends they are and what a good friend should be like; (2)guess the meaning of new words according to the context; (3)use functional sentences to give suggestions on problems in friendship. 2.Procedures: Step I Warming Up Questions for the students: (1)Do you have friends? (2)What are the good qualities of your best friend? (kind, ...) (3)What do you want from a friend? (4)Are you a good friend? Purpose: (1)To activate the students’ experience and ideas about friends and friendship. (2)To introduce the topic to the students. Step II Survey on page 1 (1)Do the survey (2)Guess the meaning The students are asked to focus on the third question and answers and to think about the bolded words’ meaning in the context. If they find it difficult to guess the meaning just according to one context, then more contexts are provided. (3)Work out the score The students discuss: ①Does a good friend do everything his/her friend wants him/her to do? ②What should a good friend be like? Step III Reading and Listening Questions for the students: According to the survey, most of you are good friends to others. But problems in friendship may also happen. A girl named Lisa wrote a letter about her problem. Do you want to help her solve the problem? (1)Read Lisa’s letter What’s Lisa’s problem? Lisa’s problem: Lisa’s friend said that Lisa and a boy had fallen in love. In fact, they are just good friends. Question: Can you predict what advice may Miss Wang give Lisa? (2)Listen for main idea. What is Miss Wang’s advice? (3)Listen for details. Take notes of Miss Wang’s advice. How does Miss Wang give advice? (4) Other useful expressions of giving advice: Why not...? Why don’t you...? You’d better... My advice is to... I advise you to... I suggest that you should... Activity: Giving Advice Your new classmate Peter wants to make friends with others, but he doesn’t know what to do. Can you give him some advice? Try to use the sentence drills above. Step IV Speaking Work in groups of four. Each of the four students gets a number from 1—4. First they are to choose an option and then take turns to write down their advice using functional sentences. Step V Presentation and Assessment Voice is loud and clear Meaning is clear As much advice as possible (at least four) Advice is positive Different expressions of giving advice are used correctly (at least two) Step VI Homework Read Xiao Dong’s letter to find out his problem and write a letter to give him some advice. 专家点评 《英语课程标准》核心组成员、特级教师 孟雁君 李老师设计的教学流程可以归纳为四个环节: 一、利用学生感兴趣的话题激活经验,利用交流的需求激活已有知识。教师利用“交友”这个话题激活学生已有的经验,并在其表达过程中提取已学词语,记录在黑板上。 二、问题驱动引导阅读讨论。教师提出中学生交友中常出现的问题及解决方法,激发学生探求、讨论的欲望,进行本节课重点内容的教学——提出建议的英语表达法。 三、聚焦目标温故学新。学生在教师启发下,回忆提取曾经学过的关于建议别人做事的表达方法。在此基础上,教师呈现新的表达方式,学生通过情境理解练习新的表达方法。 四、整合知识经验见解完成任务。学生分组,从教师提供的若干情境中选择专题进行给他人建议的表述。最后在全班交流。 本节课值得借鉴的地方是:1.整节课主线清楚,教学环节之间联系紧密、逻辑性强,一步步地达成所设定的目标。2.充分提取并利用学生感兴趣的话题,重视学生的经验和已有知识,把经验和知识融在教学之中。3.注重学生的亲身体验和探索,不断设疑,引导学生自主解惑。4.小组活动中学生有了选择的权利,显示了课堂教学的灵活性,也体现了课标“提供多种选择,适应个性需求”的基本理念。 (根据孟雁君老师评课录像整理)
Are you a good friend?
1 A-1B-3C-2
2 A-1B-2C-3
3 A-1B-2C-3
4 A-3B-2C-1
5 A-0B-6C-0
Your total score: _________
13+ points: An excellent friend! You know how to balance your needs and your friend's needs. Well done!
8-12 points: A good friend. But sometimes let your friendship become too important. Or didn't show enough concern(关注) for your friend's needs and feelings. Try to balance your friend's needs and your own responsibilities.
4-7 points: Not a good friend. You either ignore your friend's needs or just do what he/she wants you to do.
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